Posted in My Diaries 📔 & Days🥂

A Day in a My Life during Lockdown |2020

Hiya there everyone! How have you all been?

I can’t say I’ve been having much of a blogging life recently, but in real life, I’m really living hard! 🥳

The number of things I come up with, for doing on an everyday basis sometimes amazes me. I mean, honestly, why at all would you be bored?

Also, this is just a part of it all. I could even come up with 10 more new things to do this instant and where would we be then? 🤗


Trust me, this beats everything. It’s one thing that actually gives any purpose to my day.

I haven’t been able to do much for the past 2 days for some reason, but surprisingly I started missing my jogging and burpees. And if you keep to it, you’d be really surprised how much stronger and fitter you end up after a while. And its mentally refreshing too, sometimes.


Okay I’m not even going to try explaining this one because ITS FOOD YAYYY. The title says it all. What more do you want?😂

I’m a hugeee foodie. Its probably, one of the only sources of constant cheer in my life. And my mother sometimes kills me with the things she makes.🤤🥰

Here’s my mum’s Homemade Thai Noodles!🤤🤤🥰

WORD OF ADVICE : Don’t barge into any junkies at this point (I’m restraining myself too, yes😂) because since we aren’t exerting ourselves much these days, your weighing machine could SHOOT UP, by the end of this lockdown.Oops.

But you can indeed give in to the delicacies now and then (How else would we survive?!). Maybe you can combine your munchies along with your main food, so it can take up only some of your dinner space, instead of demanding an entire tummy? That’s just an idea.

The Classic ALL TIME FAVOURITE❤🥰 Fish, Chips, Beans and Eggs.

NOTHING beats this one mates!😁 I’m dead crazy on the baked beans. Right now, it’s all I could do with. ✌


This one’s technically for me. I don’t know how many of you relate to this one. If you haven’t got anything to revise, assignments or maybe even office work to do, then just get lost please.😂

A MUST-INCLUDE on my To-Do Lost because I’ve been procrastinating big time. Sad.


I haven’t been the Gamer for the last 2-3 years or so, but I must say I’m getting back on! And some games NEVER. Go. Out of. Style.😉

I used to play HayDay religiously, but that was again, a couple of years ago. I’ve played these games throughout my life- Bakery Story, Clash of Clans ( I have a brother at home😂), Subway Surfers, Unblock Me, Fashion Story, Dark Echo and oohh Doors and Rooms!! There’s just SO many. Infact I just found out a new one yesterday😂

Currently I’m playing UNO, and Poker and they’re terrific!

Please comment your UNO ID if you’d like to join me there!!


Don’t even ask me about this one. I’m going PLAIN MAAADD without having a book to read. Ebooks simply Dont. Make. The. Cut.

I’ve got a humongous bookshelf in which almost every book has been read an excess number of times. That I can probably narrate the whole thing in order, just by looking at the book title.

I only have money on sites like Amazon and maybe a little on OnBuy, but I guess book delivery services are closed for my area currently.

So. Tough luck.

Therefore. If you’ve got a book that you haven’t already read so many times, consider yourself lucky, find a corner and jump right in! 😉


What with shops and services being mostly closed, DIYs are almost the need of the hour. I really wish I knew how to make my own sanitizer or something 😂 But they’re so engaging, and if you’re really desperate to get out and wander a bit, try wandering around your own house first! You never know what you might find!


I found my mum and dad’s old photo albums, and I’m collecting my supplies to make it as a personalized scrap book for them! So, what with most people feeling down these days, little presents can lighten up their lives.

And trust me, a Gift of Kindness is all you need. Inside it may not be a masterpiece. But something that shows that, despite all, you care. 🙂


This is also one of the most interesting parts of my day. I’m currently learning German and I really can’t believe how much I enjoy it!

New languages hasn’t ever been my thing. And although I catch a few languages here and there, I’m not really proficient in any of them. But German so far has been really fun!

If you’re thinking of learning German too comment below! Learning is always FUN with a friend!


This one is never on my To-Do List but somehow it’s one thing I end up doing the most😂 I never chat usually. I just send the occasional texts incase I need something. But now I’m being super active on WhatsApp.

I’m trying to cut back, okay?

But this was supposed to a day in my life which most certainly has a lot of socialising✌😛

So there we go! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did! Do you do any of these things too, on a regular day in your life?

Let me know what you think! Also, tell me of you’d like to join me in learning German, in the comments below!




Too glam to give a damn 💫

47 thoughts on “A Day in a My Life during Lockdown |2020

  1. Oh my God those noodles look delicious! 🤤 I used to love subway surfers! I couldn’t get into the uno app but I love the actual game, my one is the machine that shoots out cards (there are so many variations of it! 😂). A personalized scrapbook is such a lovely gift for your parents, wish I could be that thoughtful 😂 Loved hearing what you’ve been up to! ✨ I’ve mostly been blogging, reading and painting (which is a new thing for me 🎨😂)💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yesss they tasted so too!🥰 Whoaa I just went back now and looked at pictures of DELISHH foods on pinterest and now I’m hungry as hell😂😂
      Whoa, shoots out cards? Wish I had thaaat🥳😂

      And hey that’s cool! I end up drenching the page whenever I paint (oops😅) How are finding it? Maybe you should put them up! 😁😁 XXX❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ThoseThai noodles look amaaazing😍
    Woah most of those books are my favourites!!
    I love Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice, and Origin was doo good!!
    And I’ve always wanted to read How to be a Bawse😂…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yesss whoa everytime someone talks about food I’m getting super hungryy😂
      And yayyy hugs to you, my book buddy! (*psst* How come you like Jane Eyre? It was so sad a book to me🥺🥺😭)
      And yeaahh I’m a hugee Dan Brwon fan!! 🍻🍻 Cheers to us!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yussss I know rite?? Just the thought of food makes me smile!!
        Awww *hugs back💛*
        I found Jane Eyre very different from every romance book out there, I mean I didn’t expect her to leave, and THEN I didn’t expect her to turn down the other guy, and I seriously didn’t expect her to go back after all….i just felt so so much for her strength and how she looked out for herself (I’ll just continue being wierd😂)
        Yuss Dan Brown is amaazing, I learn so much from
        Also I totally get the clash of clans cus u got a brother thing😂😂
        Both my brother and my sister used to play, all I would do is collect the elixir for them whenever they couldnt play 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh goshh we have loaads to talk. (Why don’t you please check your email before I get hyper 😂 The one which I replied to about a month ago🙄💕)

          And yeah gosh she was being really strong! And going back. Wow. It was all so tragic. But it’s sad that all that should happen to her. I hated that girl dying at school. Was she called Helen? * tries to remember*

          And yeaah. Dan Brown is mind blowing. 😳
          And IS THAT SO😂😂 Most of my female friends are all like, ” Clash of Clans? Ok how does that work?” 😅😂✌

          XXX Thank you for reading!!💕

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Omigosh omigosh omigosh you replied?!!!?!?
          I’m soso sowwy I’ll go search for it I srsly need to keep better track of my emails😭sowwy)
          Yeah, in the beginning all the school parts just made me so depressed, the burnt porridge and stuff😢 and the death almost made me wanna stop….
          But I persevered. Good for me😁
          Yusss a lot of KiDs thEse DayS dunno clash of clans😂 their loss🤷‍♀️

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Heyy are you reinventing spellings?😂😂 I had to say that loud to realise what you mean. It was fun!😁✌😂

          Yeaah, it was! In fact I stopped reading. And then took it up again after a while because I was curious😅😂


  3. Ohhh that noodles🤤🤤. My friends send me pics of foods they make in these quarantine days and so i started cooking too(time should pass right😂) and now you too😜. Good fun stuffs. Didnt play pubg ( whole world is playing that game i think ur brother too, but yeah it may not be ur type, But it is super awesome). Anyways take care 👍😊.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yess it’s those noodles that’s catching every eye!!🥰😂 Oh my gosh you started cooking too. (I’m zeroo at cooking. Infact I think it’s a negative😂🙄 Now I’m getting jealous because everyone’s cooking these days, eh?☹)

    And I haven’t played pubg but i guess i could try😅 But anything else that you play?
    Take care and stay safe! X


  5. All I’ve been doing is reading and eating 😂 oops. Buuttt I haven’t read in so long and sense quarantine I’ve read so many books and got more and my heart is happy!!! I need to do more working out than watching Community on Netflix but I have no will power, teach me?? I love yooouuu and love this post! 💗💗💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yess reading and eating can be done allll year and still make us feel happy and productive. Totally rooting for those! ❤🤩
      Aahh talk about will power. It’s so difficult these days since we have no restrictions? I’m trying this thing where I distract myself with something like music and start the workout timer without thinking? So I’ll have to workout now😂
      And thaankk youu! I loveee you moreee❤❤🤗🤗

      Sorry I do not know how this skipped my notice! SO glad to hear from you. Do post soon!! X🤗❤ Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yess, I guess it’s not your food but you should ABSOLUTELY try it.🥰😁 Its somehow always a favourite, no matter how common it gets sometime yayy.

      And I should LOVE to visit the States someday too! XX

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  6. Haha yes, I 100% relate to the studying. Honestly I’m pretty grateful for it as it gives me something to get done every day instead of mooching around doing nothing! I agree on how important exercise is, it’s definitely one of those things that are hard to start but the benefits are only noticeable afterwards. Hope you’re staying safe! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha glad to have some company there!!🤗

      Well, technically yes. But I feel frustrated as I’m not able to focus as much as before? How about you? 🙂
      Thanks for reading lovely! Stay safe❤💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean about not being able to focus. Sometimes I just give up altogether and go do something else for a while, and it actually refreshes my attention when I get back to studying! Each to their own x

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Brin! Reading your post makes me wanna do more with the free time that this quarantine period has opened up. Thank you for this motivating piece!

    P.S. I’m also currently learning German! Do you use an app for it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yaay I’m so glad if it helped at all! 😁 Thank you ❤

      P.S. Yayy finally!. Yes I use Duolingo. How about you? How are you learning?🙂


  8. Wow. You are having quite a productive life during lockdown. I work from home so my routine is pretty much the same. I love that you are learning a new language and German? Have you had any pre-lockdown experience with it? How did you come to decide that it’s German you really wanna focus on during this time?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes thank you!! And no, well I didn’t expect anyone to ask me that🙈😂 My neighbour is studying in Germany and he always acts all high and mighty when he comes back during breaks. Plus I’ve always wanted to know more languages. So with the extra time and all.😂 *blushes haard*
      Thank you for reading🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha! The neighbor story is so funny 😂 I hope you’d learn a good amount of German during the lockdown… Because of you, I have downloaded some French selfstudy apps, I need to learn it at some point! I am just so lazy to even browse the basics… you are an inspiration!

        Happy lockdown to us! ❤️Looking forward to being back to normal with better life skills than before 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Haha thank you😁 I hope so too. But there is quite a lot to learn I guess.😶
          And haha thank you so much❤😁 I guess once you start it becomes fun? Good luck with French!! (And with the letter ‘r’🙄)

          Yay right back at you! And happy blogging🙂🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Those noodles look DELISH! Fish n chips? Are you a fellow Aussie? And I’m thinking of learning German😀. I even signed up for Duo lingo. Keep posting awesome content! I love your blog so much I binge all your posts😍.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yesss thank you❤ And wow, Australia?! I WISHH😂. It’s one of the top places on my travel lists🤩
      And yay! That’s cool. One thing I noticed about German is most of the sentences Duo gave me so far, are SO similar to English, so it feels fun. 😁 (I dont know if it’s going to get difficult after this?😳)

      And THANK YOU squeee! I’m so happy to have you here✌😁❤ I loved your posts too! You have really good content. 🌟🌟 XX

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awww tysm❤️! Exactly! I’m pretty sure the content’s going to get harder,though. I don’t want it to, but I think it will😬. Thank you for such a nice reply💖!

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  10. Jane Eyre is a novel for all times. I wouldn’t say no to Dan Brown either. As for exercising, I used to exercise daily. I haven’t been exercising since the lockdown was enforced. 😦

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    1. Aaahh😂🙌 Good for you! I’m sure it was terrific! I’ve only seen a dirty version game once. Maybe I should like to play it sometime, just to try out uk?✌😝😂

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  11. Those noodles are so tempting…… One quick question; other than German, do you like any other language? Or have you thought about giving another language a try?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aahh yess aren’t they🤩 Thankss!! 🤗 And yess. I’ve tried a few more languages. But I guess German is the one that’s working fine till now! (For example, French was a disaster 😂)

      How about you? 🙂

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      1. Anytime😊. I guess it’s Spanish for me, but it’s been ages since I’ve thought about re-learning it. I’m still terrible at it by the way😅. I’ve thought about Japanese for some time though…

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        1. Haha I hear that Spanish is fairly difficult all the same! And yess. I really thought of learning Japanese too, when I was considering German. But I doubt if I would have even learnt the letters by now, had I started anyway😂😂 Good luck!

          Liked by 1 person

  12. Loved this!! I also workout, study, obvs eat good food lol 😂 btw omg the fish and chips, beans and meat looks SOOOO GOOOOD IT MADE ME RESLLY HUNGRY 😋😋😋 no joke I’m gonna have to eat now, there’s a hurricane going on in my stomach rn

    Oh you’re learning German right now? That’s so cool!!! Are you doing it on your own or do you have teachers? Just curious 🤪

    Loved this post!!!!! 🦄🦄💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg yayy🙌🙌😂 Also thankk you for noticing the fish and chips ahh I feel so happy😂❤ Every single person had their eyes on the noodles and I was feeling sorry for this amazing fish lying beneath it😂😶🥰🥰 And haha go eaat. (I really feel like I’ve found a twin when you exclaim like that😂🙌🙌❤)

      No I’m just doing it on my own! I’m thinkinngg you know Spanish? Or something else? Sorry I just had a vague memory suddenly!

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      1. Yaaaaay I loved the noodles too but then I saw the fish and chips and the yellow in the chips made me SUPER HUNGRY 😋
        And omg yeah lol even if you’re not talking you really feel the exclamation hehe 🤪🤪 *high five*

        And yeah I speak Spanish hehe you got it right!! 🙃💜💜


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